The unicorn.. a mythical creature spawned from an overactive imagination and longing. A horn that neutralizes poison and is wholey good, strong and wild... The unicorn is an untameable creature.
The one who slips away.
I wonder if we could tame this unicorn if we would begin to notice that its stall needs to be cleaned just as a regular horses does, and that its coat sheds in the spring and that everyonce in a while it gets a gummy eye infection. Or perhpas not. Perhaps it shimmers in the moonlight and awakens the lust and longing within us. Perhaps.
I have a unicorn.. a ghostly creature that lives in the periphery of my consciousness... slipping in and out of my hazy thoughts and dreams.. always functioning as a meter stick for my self worth and finding me lacking.
How strange that an imaginary creature is to thoroughly embedded in my unconscious... that a creature born of a wilderness that is untamable, the mind, that is perfect beyond conception, that shimmers with light, should be what i measure myself with. I have never properly laid hands on this beast. My sweaty, dusty, now totally white Gus is so much more real.. so much more loveable... yet it is the unicorn by which I measure myself.
Oh to face it and feel the roughness of its horn, smell the pungency of it's cloved hooves... I want it to step out of the shadows and show itself! Then I want the sun to shine throught he dust and watch it dissipate into nothingness.. the faced ghost laid to rest.

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