This morning I finally got around to cleaning... well... sort of. At least I got the living room tidied and vacuumed ... It is so much more cozy and Christmassy now :) I also had an email from a friend of mine who always makes me smile and inspires me. I got to thinking what a contentented and settled person she has become over the last few years... and I wanted to be the same. As I look at this slightly fuzzy picture, I realize that all I have to do is take one day at a time and slowly paint the life I want. I used to knit pretty regularly, but I have gotten out of the habit. I am going to start again.. I'm, just going to start enjoying my life.. starting right now. Peter has just gotten home from the grocery store and we're going to make french toast. There are christmas carols playing.. and Peter and Gabby are howling excruciatingly together at the front door in greeting. Then I am going to finish cleaning and go see Guster and maybe read or knit a bit tonight. I have a friend coming over to bake.. and that should be really fun. So... wish me luck.. I'm off to paint my life in Christmas colours!

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